lundi 16 septembre 2013

This document is a cartoon and there is no apparent date shown. It tackles the issue of the power of internet.
We can see that we are on the Festival de Cannes and there is possibly one actor with his friends. Next to them, one fan who want a autograph and he said that he have pirated all the actor's movies.
It is composed of a caricatural. On the middle of the document we can see a ballon. In the top left, the enter of the festival who is indicated us the place. On the background, the crowd with the photographers and finally on the middle, the three principal persons.
The author wants to raise people's consciousness of the importance of internet and to make people sensitive to explain that the pirated, destroy all this cinema, music, author...
The message put across by the author I think is that I have just say, the pirated is a bad things ! 
My view on the subject is that the human always search the simplicity because everybody pirate all the movies and musics, and I do it, but we have to take conscious that all of us, kill the art world.

2 commentaires:

  1. Better late than never but... sIX days after the deadline seems an awful lot of time to me.

  2. This is truly appalling in Termianle, even more so in 'Anglais Approfondi' speciality.
